Thursday 17 December 2009


Useful link about amps and speaker power requirements:

I am looking for a portable and easy way of amplifying the 8 speaker cones. So I have been looking at distribution amps or DAs, a link explaining what these are follows:

DAs would be a good solution if I only had 1 sound source but I need at least 4 separate inputs ( for 4 sound sources which are 4 stereo tracks in logic) and 4 stereo outputs or 8 separate inputs (for 8 sound sources which are 8 mono tracks in logic) to go to 8 mono outputs.

I've been also looking at small power amplifiers circuits, which I found in maplins:

The amplifier can only power one speaker and it needs a voltage transformer to put the voltage from 230Vac to 35Vac which costs another £15, which means I will have to spend £240 to power the 8 speakers. WAY OVER THE BUDGET!!!!


I manage to get 2 amplifiers from ebay that cost me £30 ea
ch, so I can plug 4 speakers. Since I have one amplifier at home i have amplification for 6 speakers. So I need to buy one more amp! They are a bit big, but all the other option I found were quite expensive and don't suit this project!

The amp I had...the cat came with it!

The vintage amps got from ebay!

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