Tuesday 19 January 2010


By doing this experimentation with various types of objects on the speakers I realized
that if all the objects are directly on the speaker they all sound pretty much the same,
because when they "jump" on the speaker the sound of the objects hitting the speaker
is heard. So I will try this out by covering the speaker with different materials, such as
tin foiled like in the last video.

Also, another issue that i have encounter is the sound of the frequency that is making the speaker vibrate overcomes the sound of the objects, and this is something I want to try
to tackle by somehow minimizing the volume of the frequency/sound coming out of the speaker, but still making the speaker vibrate enough to make the objects react as I wish.

The pieces of thin foil have an interesting metallic
sound and look very interesting, is almost like there
is no gravity! To me it reminds me of walking on the
the moon! (Yes, because I've been there!)

I really like the sound effect of the knives
but the visual effect is not as interesting, but
will definitely use the knives.

This combination has more an interesting
visual effect than am audible one. I have noticed
that when the objects are directly on the speaker,
they tend to sound very similar, so I will try
testing with some kind of material covering the

The pieces of glass against the glass lid
work really well audible and visual in my opinion.

This is the first experimentation with more than
one speaker and different objects. Once I find out
what kind of frequency/sound I should use in
order to create a good amount of vibration
without being very audible this combination
will work better.

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